Marek Piaček

Bandits (2008)

chamber dark romantic instant opera

First performance

9th November 2008, Akademický Prešov 2008, Malá scéna DAD, Prešov, performers: Marek Piaček (C, v, obj), Stanislav Beňačka (C, v, obj) first performance



Scene 1 – Tavern on the border of Saxony
Scene 2 – Enclosed space in the castle church
Scene 3 – Bohemian Forest. In the distance the town of Prague partially covered with trees.
Scene 4 – Wasteland, leading into the woods near the castle
Scene 5 – Tower near the castle
Scene 6 – Exit from several rooms
Scene 7 – Forest. Near the castle.



The compressed instant libretto of the chamber opera Bandits is based on the most important scenes of the famous opera by Giuseppe Verdi and Andrea Maffei, loosely using the poem The Robbers by Schiller. Performers are using various software and devices - for example a reading software, Clanger Theremin, different effect processors (Zoom H4, Zoom 9002), a mobile gadgets (Nokia N81, Mio P560, Asus Eee), mass scenes are created with the help of multilingual GPS navigation, etc.

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